An Answer to A Question to a Flower Child: Am I Christian?

Hi.  So glad you decided to read my blog.  Tell me!!  At the least leave a comment:  "I read it!"  It makes writers' worlds go round.   I would rather be *Read* online by 100 readers than make $3,500 a month.  I am dead serious, and dead certain.  I am on Welfare.  

Sometimes we neglect the little things in life.  We send people words of anger, we spam the Internet about how awful it was when last the Other Side was leading our country... and, if you're American, like me, you get it shoved in you face that... well....

As everyone I knew in my small hometown when I was a small child ever said at Church, before the Crips and Big Business moved in and rewrote Paradise and really did put up a whole lot of parking lots... before I got told how awful Church had been to us small towners, and told about all the hate crimes people like me had gone through... before the country started spiraling out of control on a False Narrative straight from Satan in which everyone around us was trying to *kill, literally kill* everyone around us who wasn't like them, or trying to excuse rape against us, or trying to oppress us... whoever we were, white, black, male, female, indigenous, immigrant... we all got so mad at each other and so darn paranoid that was the kind of thing everybody who had to open their mouth said about *anyone.*   It's still going on.  Awful!  *Awful!* 

Well... as I was saying.... back then... the line was-- "I am a sinner too."  And you know... is this me?  (I've read that line before, so many times.  If I was a more confident psychic, I might tell you you're going to be saying the same thing someday-- and I hope I'd be right.)  I *never* say things like that!  But it's true!  I've been hurt, and I'm not perfect, and like so many other people out there who at some point woke up and smelled Reality, I'm not any better than the people who hurt me.  You know why?  Cause I hurt some people too.  Did I commit assault as a child?  DUH!!  You me and everyone else!  Did I ever commit sexual assault or rape?  No, but I tell you what, I wasn't guiltless either.  I did stalk a fellow student around school for one calendar year.  

The problem with the blame game is if we all do this eye for an eye nonsense... *especially* if Caucasians and Blacks and Arabs all do it to each other at the same time as *whole nations of people!*--- well if it's just me and my neighbor who do that long enough, we're the only ones dead five years from now, and everyone else in lil ol' Florence, South Carolina tells the kids they can be fools like us, or they can let bygones be bygones and let it go.  "I'm not making it up!  They were our neighbors just like your grandmother- just as much as she was- and they're both *dead* on account of that kind of tomfoolery!"  

I'm giving out flowers on Facebook.  I don't care what you did.  I don't care if you're the very man who had me committed in 2008.  If it weren't for that blessed man-- his wrath was the wrath of God!- I would be a journalist flying on jets today drinking alcohol and hiding scars from cutting.  I was *saved* from that life by people who *hurt* me, who *overstepped boundaries,* whom I still acknowledge as *persecutors.*  But the Lord works in mysterious ways, and we are *NOT, NOR WILL WE EVER BE* plastic figurines in a Dungeons & Dragons roleplay.   The way we've all gotten in this country, I'm worried right now that the dwarf king in his mountain better understands hobbits on first meetings than we do *our neighbors,* let alone the desert dwellers whom we're busy bombing with robots because we can cheat our young male sons and young male friends into going to war on our behalf, hate our neighbors for not believing in our race while our young male friend is dying on our half, and see how many Trumpets are blowing when Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin decide they've had enough.  Or Hillary or whoever.  Kim Jon latest.  An asteroid belt won't care who was more to blame in your damned generation that damned all future generations.  I don't know if it or anything else to ever be will ever care about questions, like, What is God?  And I think you don't know God-- I don't care whether you say you know him or you don't, it doesn't matter to me, not at all in comparison-- I don't think you know God if you think that Asteroid Belt is worth your People and Everything They Fought For, and I think you *do know God*-- and again, I don't care if you deny the Bible, fine, so do I!- nor do I care if you think Mysticism is hooey, again! Fine!  I studied it most all my life and missed the point the whole time I was helping *lead toward a Civil War* as an SJW over the worst of the heat-up during the whole calendar year of 2016-- but I think YOU PERSONALLY KNOW GOD IF YOU DON'T CARE WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU AND YOURS, YOU JUST WANT THERE TO BE PEACE BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU LOVE YOUR NEIGHBORS OVERSEAS.  

And if you are such a person, I'm going to humly ask you to make your own blog and post me a link in the comments, because I am to this day an arrogant person, proud, vain, and full of hot air, always have been--- but I want to be wise and humble enough to read the words of someone nobler than myself, who knows God better than I do. 

I do care about you, after all, and the Arabs-- and I have always been other-centric, like most of the SJW crowd-- like most of the soldiers shooting at other soldiers and dying in battlefields in their own blood in battlefields around the world.  I want you to listen to this song-- because God is in this song-- and because it really did just happen again and again... and it *doesn't have to.*  If we made societal advances more quickly than we made technological advances (told you I was former SJW!) Planet Earth would last a whole lot longer.  

The song:

Wow... I want to tell you something.  I have written... nonstop.. practically... for the last few days.   I have not written so much since before I was illegally forced on lithium and intimidated into terror to stop taking it.  As a former SJW, lest I be one sided, I really have to tell the truth:  I would still be on it, and these words would never have been written, if it were not for SJWs.  *They* it was who helped me figure out that I actually *could* *legally* say no.  

I had no idea it was possible.  My then best friend helped me a lot, and the same parents who helped force me on the lithium to start with (as well as forced me on a Disability Check, told me I'd never amount to anything in life, hollered at me to stop staring into space and being lazy because Disabled people could work while I was trying to manage to mow the lawn as told, while severely sick with what was only years later diagnosed as chronic sinus infections-- not to mention kept me, in my book, from getting real medical care... and loads of other stuff... I was probably right, in my years while still young, to call it "abuse".... I'm not sure it matters to me now)... well, I'm not sure how I'll feel in the long run, but on the concrete end the reason I have a roof over my head and food on the table, and, yes, medical care, is because of the same people whom fellow SJWs tell me I am right to call abusive.  

And the reason I'm not evicted from a *second* apartment complex (I didn't explain that one) as a still non-record-holding goody toe shoes (lifelong standard, nearly-- I do not watch movies illegally, even if they're put on my own feed on Facebook-- I just can't bring myself to do it, no matter I tell myself the world could end, what's the big deal?)--- the reason I haven't *lost* the apartment complex my dear old mother and father and my ex girlfriend fought hard with sometimes *racist and classist* HUD officials *who blatantly lied* to my mother and told her *HUD no longer existed*-- the reason their love (all of our love is imperfect!) got me something that *lasted* this time was, you guessed it, all the same people who are busy trying to start a Civil War/ Revolution and start COMMUNISM.

Well, dang.  Can I say Amen Reverend?

Love your neighbor.   

See... God, S/he is in every one of us.  Rapists, abusers, soldiers, gangsters, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton-- every one of them has God in them!!  Every single one!  And you can block them on Facebook, you can block them out of your lives-- I'm a former SJW!!  By all means!  If you need to, go ahead!  Keep yourself safe!  Be happy!-- but, while there may not be anything wrong with that, they, and you, are both God, and both Devil.  

Well... ever since I was in about tenth grade, when I was trying to get people to read one of my novels again, I've known that people in general don't like reading 40 typed pages without a good reason.  I'm a little honored if some college professor made you read this 40 years from now-- mostly I'm just glad there are still Earthlings 40 years from now-- did I scare you?  I'm 100% sure I mean that!  Growing up, I thought the Nuclear Scare was just a thing of the past!  I'm certain, it's not in your time either, Future Earthling!  Nukes "banned?" *Does not change my mind.*-- but, if you read this on your own and you call me friend, and you are proud of me, and you remember me fondly-- at this point in my life, that was what meant the most to me.  

Soo.... does a Social Justice Warrior know how to do what everyone is constantly trying not to snap and shout at us to do? 

Sorry.  Self hate, yeah.  Just trying to ease the tension on the Net.  

Uhmm... my response to my own question.... is in the... next post. 

Sorry!  Being quiet! 
